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  文章来源:长春应用化学研究所 发布时间:2014-08-26 【字号: 小  中  大   

  报告题目: Organic WORM Memories Based on Carbon Nanostructures and Field Effect Transistors

  报 告 人: Prof. Ivo A. Hummelgen

  单   位: Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil

  报告时间: 2014年8月27日(星期三)下午14:00

  报告地点: 中国科学院长春应用化学研究所 主楼四楼学术厅(410房间)

  报告人简介:Ivo A. Hummelgen completed his PhD at Georg-August University of G.ttingen in 1991. He is currently Physics Professor at the Federal University of Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil. He published over 1300 scientific articles. He is Topical Editor for Semiconductors and Photoelectrochemistry of the Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry(Springer Verlag) and secretary of the Brazilian Physical Society. His current research interests include organic electronic devices like transistors,memories, sensors (chemical, pressure, humidity), thermoelectric elements and magnetoconductance phenomena.

  报告内容摘要:I will present recent results on very inexpensive organic WORM memories prepared using carbon nanostructure polymer composites that allow performing the write operation in less than 200 ns, dissipating of the order of 1×10-5 J.cm-2 and potentially allowing memory recording at rates of the order of 1 Mbits.s-1. I also will present recent results on the improvement of poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) based low voltage organic field-effect transistor through the treatment of the cross-linked PVA gate dielectrics, either with surfactant, HCL or vitamin C, for general device performance parameters enhancement.

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