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  文章来源:天津工业生物技术研究所 发布时间:2013-10-25 【字号: 小  中  大   

  应天津市工业生物系统与过程工程重点实验室主任陈树林研究员的邀请,加拿大蒙特利尔康考迪亚大学生物系教授、结构和功能基因组学研究中心主任Adrian Tsang将于10月28日访问天津工业生物所,并做精彩的学术报告。Adrian Tsang教授目前主要采用基因组学和蛋白组学的方法来识别和鉴定真菌有效水解木质纤维素的酶蛋白。  


  报告题目:Genome-wide approaches to identify and characterize lignocellulolytic enzymes from fungal extremophiles  

  主 讲 人:Prof. Adrian Tsang  



  主讲人介绍:Adrian Tsang: The current position of Adrian Tsang was Professor of Biology and Director of Centre for Structural Genomics in Concordia University. He acquired a bachelor of science in University of Alberta and a doctor degree of biology in York University. He continued to follow professional experience for his postdoctoral fellow in London. Adrian Tsang was assistant professor of biology in McGill University in 1984-1991 and in Concordia University in 1991-2002. He engaged in the protein production in filamentous fungi and functional genomics research. The current study is the identification of the effective fungal enzyme protein hydrolyzing lignocelluloses using genomics and proteomics methods. The studies about extreme environmental fungal extracellular protein functions and fungal expression system made breakthough progress.    

  报告摘要:Lignocellulosic material is both the most abundant source of biomass on the planet and an enormous storehouse of sugars. Yet the sugars in cellulosic material are remarkably recalcitrant. The ability to detect new enzymes, to produce them in large quantities, and to understand how they work will lay the groundwork for the development of more efficient and economical processes for lignocellulosic biomass. We are particularly interested in harnessing the ligocellulolytyic ability of thermophilic fungi as they are potential reservoirs of thermostable enzymes for industrial applications, and ruminant fungi because ruminant microorganisms are efficient degraders of lignocellulose. Most fungal thermophiles belong to the orders Sordariales and Eurotiales, three species belong to the Mucorales and one to Onygenales. We have developed computational tools to improve the identification of genes in fungal genomes in general, and genes encoding extracellular proteins in particular because biomass-degrading enzymes are predominantly extracellular proteins. In addition to using sequence comparison to identify orthologues of lignocellulolytic enzymes, we have analyzed the transcriptomes and exo-proteomes of the thermophilic fungi when cultured in a variety of agricultural straws to reveal the strategies used by different fungi in the decomposition of lignocellulose as well as identifying novel extracellular proteins that may play a role in biomass decomposition. The high AT content (>80%) of the genomes of ruminant fungi poses significant challenges to sequence assembly. Therefore in addition to genome sequencing we use extensively transcriptome and meta-transcriptome approaches to explore the genes complements of these organisms and their role in biomass degradation in the rumen. Comparative omics analysis suggests that ruminant fungi are responsible for the bulk of cellulose degradation in the rumen. Moreover most genes encoding biomass-degrading enzymes of ruminant fungi are phyologenetically distinct from bacteria and aerobic fungi. The genes predicted to encode lignocellulolytic proteins have been cloned and transformed intoAspergillus niger for the production of recombinant enzymes.  

  中国科学院天津工业生物技术研究所  科技发展处

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